Noelle & Patrick – October 1, 2016

I’ve known Noelle since we were in 2nd grade, and she is one of my dearest friends.  Her and Patrick make an amazing couple.  It’s so amazing when friends find that person who they want to spend the rest of their lives with.  They are so incredibly sweet and I’m so happy for them both.  I was so honored to do their engagement photos, their Save the Dates, their wedding invitations, as well as create cookie tags for their wedding favors.

Save the Date Design (We used one of their engagement photos for the Save The Date)blog_savethedate_noellepat-01

Wedding Invitation Design (had them printed by

Cookie Tag Design (Photo courtesy of Tommy Tan, wedding photographer)


And for fun, here is a photo of all of us friends at the wedding:

Processed with VSCO with hb1 preset

Mark & Mhia – December 19th 2015

My other brother got married too!  One wedding after another – party hard 😉  I also did the invitation for Mark and Mhia’s wedding.  The them was “Night under the Stars” / winter wonderland…. Weather changed that (it also changed the venue a few days before, but that’s another story) .  It ended up still being an amazing wedding – love filled the room and filled our hearts.

Here is the invitation:

Scott & Lindsay – October 24th 2015

My baby brother got married!  It was a precious, beautiful, and fairy tale kind of wedding.  I was honored and excited to create so many things for their wedding day.  Here is all that we made:

Wedding Invitation
(printed by
Note: We used envelopes that matched the blue color in the invitation.
BLOG - Invitation_FoldingOption_finalexample-01

Cookie/Macaron Favor Tag
Screen Shot 2016-03-25 at 1.22.13 PM12493936_980924338163_4241798380897224697_o



Back | Front


Inside (we placed a hanky in the blue pocket)



Shoutout to various friends and families for the photos 🙂


Adorable Bride and Groom (my baby brother and my sister in law)!


Day Of Coordinating – Zack & Katie

Yslas Wedding – October 17, 2015

It’s been a while since I’ve been able to  update my blog.  I blame weddings 😉
Back in October I had the privilege of coordinating Zack and Katie’s wedding.  I used to be their youth leaders and it’s so awesome to see how God brought them together and that he made this wedding awesome and sweet.

Katie had lots of friends to help with set-up and tear down of decorations and things, I was there mainly to organize the processional and make sure everything goes smoothly and that all the vendors had everything they needed throughout the evening.

I did a lot of running around as usual and it was fun to be a guest as well.  It really was an amazing wedding and I had fun helping the bride and groom have an awesome, stress-free day/night.

Shoutout to Emily Magers Photography for allowing me to post some of her photos from the wedding!  She is one of the most amazing photographers I know, check out her other stuff too here:

As always, thanks for looking 🙂

Genevieve & Brandon – Invitation

Genevieve came to me with a specific idea of what she wanted her invitations to look like.  She had a sample of an invitation that she really liked, so we basically went off of that.  It took me a good while to find the perfect font, but I found one that they really liked, then laid it all out for them, and sent them the print files!  They printed the invitations through someone they know and assembled the invitations themselves.  Genevieve was gracious enough to give me one of the invites.  Here is a photo I took of the final product:
DSC_0331Here are the individual elements:

Main Invitation (5×7)
Genevieve&Brandon_invitation-01RSVP Card
Genevieve&Brandon_RSVPcard-01Details Card
Genevieve&Brandon_infocard-01Invitation Tag

Thanks for visiting 🙂

Vy & Cameron – Save the Date

My best friend is getting married!!!!!  And she’s tying the knot in Vietnam!!!  Since it’s a destination wedding she wanted to have the Save the Dates resemble a boarding pass …. but nicer and cooler looking of course.  So we searched the internet (and good ‘ol Pinterest) for ideas.  There is one that we found that she really really liked on the Seven Swans Wedding Stationary blog.  She liked everything about it, so I made it look SUPER similar, but still made some slight changes to make it our own… here is the link to our inspiration and the Save the Date that we adapted to fit our liking:

And… here is Vy and Cameron’s Save the Date – created by me!
VyCameronSaveTheDateNext I’ll be creating their invitations… Stay tuned!

Kimmy & Louie – October 4, 2014

I’ve known Kimmy and Louie for quite a long time.  At least 15 years, but I’m not sure on the exact number.  To be honest, when I first found out they were dating a couple years ago, it really caught me by surprise!  I did NOT see that coming… but I soon realized that it makes so much sense!  I couldn’t imagine them without one another.  They are SUPER cute together and they both LOVE the Lord 🙂

I was honored when they told me that they wanted me to design their wedding invitations. Kimmy’s ideas were so fun; and together we were able to come up with a great concept!  Here is my design and the end result:
*Just a note, it took me a lonnggggg time to create that rope, but I learned a lot in the process and it was great getting to expand my knowledge in Adobe Illustrator!KimmyLouie_invitation  RSVP card: (front and back)

Info Card:
Business Card File

When we were approaching the wedding date, one of the bridesmaids contacted me and asked if I could design a gift tag for the wedding favors.  Here is the tag:

And here is a photo of the tags on the actual favors (which were small bars of soap, handmade by a friend of theirs) + a photo of the invitation:  P.S. Thanks Becky for the photo!

Thanks for looking!

Sami & Nick – September 28, 2013

Sami contacted me early in the year to be her Day-Of Coordinator for her wedding.  We started meeting in June and we were very prepared for the wedding when the day came!  Sami is very organized and it helped the day to go so smoothly (besides just a couple of things – needed to go buy more ice and coffee for the guests!)

The wedding was held at Rancho Camulos, a beautiful outside venue near Piru, CA.  My team and I got there early that day and started setting up for the wedding.  Here are a couple of photos of the ceremony and reception area that we helped set-up (photos courtesy of Nick Charrow of the amazing Nick Charrow Photography, here is a link to his website, please check out his work: )

Ceremony_S&MReception_S&MThe wedding day was definitely a success and it was a pleasure working with all of the vendors; SOS Entertainment, Bites Catering, and Rattler’s BBQ.

Here is an awesome photo of the bride and groom by Nick Charrow, enjoy!  And thanks for reading 🙂

Janna & John – August 24, 2013

I had the privilege of creating the Invites, Menus, AND Seating Chart for Janna and John’s wedding.  Their wedding took place just yesterday and it was such a beautiful wedding.  I have known their family for so long and I was blessed to be able to be there to celebrate with them.

I met with Janna & John to go over the design for the invitations and we came up with the main design elements:   woodgrain and a heart with “J+J” inside.  Here is the final design that I came up with (I’ve blurred out the address in the RSVP card):
BLOG_Janna&John_Invitation(2)BLOG_RSVPcardWe stuck with the main design elements when creating the Menus and the Seating Chart.  I love it when I get to attend the wedding that I design for because then I get to take photos of those things being used at the wedding so I can share that with everyone, haha.  Here is the menu and the seating chart:
Menu IMG_6252IMG_6251BLOG_Janna&John_SeatingChart_finalIMG_6249A big THANK YOU to the Winkels and the Karrs for allowing me to create these things for them; and props to Judi Winkel (the mother of the bride) for doing such an amazing job with the decorations at the wedding and helping Janna plan,  you are an awesome mom!

And like always, if you are reading this, thanks for looking!